Rufous Uraria is a subshrub with stems erect,
40-100 cm tall, gray-white hairy and brown hooked hairy. Leaves are
3-foliolate; leaf-stalk 1-2.5 cm, hairy; leaflet blades elliptic or
ovate-elliptic, 3-8 × 2-4 cm, below hairy, above hairless, lateral
veins 11-13 on each side of midvein, base rounded or slightly
heart-shaped, tip rounded or sometimes notched. Flowers are borne in an
inflorescence at branch-ends, 10-20 cm, densely hooked hairy and
velvet-hairy. Flowers are sparse. Flower-stalk short, initially about 3
mm, hairy, elongated to 5-6 mm at fruiting, apically hooked. Calyx is
about 3 mm, velvet-hairy, 5-parted; lower lobes longer than tube, upper
lobes slightly shorter. Flowers are purple, 2-3 times as long as calyx.
Legume 4-7-jointed; articles gray-brown, compressed, slightly
netveined veined. Rufous Uraria is found in Indo-Malesia. In India it
is found in Peninsular India and the Himalayas, up to altitudes of 1000
m. Flowering: October-November.